Showing posts with label Homoeopathy for Dementia In Old Age People. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Homoeopathy for Dementia In Old Age People. Show all posts

Monday, 26 August 2013


Dementia is not a disease but it is comprises of group of symptoms.
Dementia is decline in memory or other thinking skills severe enough to interfere with everyday activities.


  1. Damage to brain cells
  2. Alzheimer's disease
  3. Parkinson’s disease
  4. Huntington’s disease
  5. Brain tumours and infections
  6. Head injury
  7. Stroke
  8. Excessive alcohol
  9. Excessive use of drugs
  10. vitamin B12 deficiency
  11. Foliate deficiency
  12. Hydrocephalus
  13. Kidney, liver and lung diseases   
Types of dementia with signs and symptoms

There are three types of dementia present.
  1. Early Dementia
  • Cannot find the appropriate word. Uses synonyms for that word.
  • Mood swings, often with brief periods of anger followed by calm
  • Frequently forget names, appointments, or losing things
  • Fear and Suspiciousness
  • Forget what the person has done something
  • May roam and have confusion to return to familiar surroundings
  • Unusual behaviour
  • Difficulty in performing well-known tasks  such as household tasks, managing personal finances, driving and cooking
  • Confusion, disorientation in unfamiliar surroundings
  • Change in Personality such as sociable person becomes reserved and  a quiet person is rude and silly
  • Poor decisions
2.    Intermediate Dementia
  • Worsening of symptoms of early dementia, with decreased ability to recompense
  • Unable to carry out activities of daily activities such as  bathing, dressing, cleaning, feeding, using the toilet  without help
  • Sleeping in the daytime and  awake at night
  • Cannot learn new information
  • Hallucinations
  • Increased tendency to have falls and accidents due to poor confusion and decision
  • Paranoid delusions, ferociousness, agitation, inapt sexual behavior
  • Confabulation (believing the person has done or experienced things that never happened)
  • distraction, poor concentration, loss of interest in the outside world
  • Increased moods wings such as anxiety followed by  depression and vice versa
  3.    Late Dementia
  • Worsening of symptoms of early and intermediate dementia
  • total dependence on others for daily activities
  • Due to impairment of swallowin, thjere is a iIncreased risk of malnutrition, choking followed by aspiration 
  • Complete loss of short- and long-term memory
  • Unable to identify even close relatives and friends
  • injuries from accidents or falls, dehydration, malnutrition
  • problems with bladder control, seizures, infections, aspiration, and pressure sores
Homoeopathy Treatment for Dementia in Older people
  1. Anacardium
  2. Calcarea carb
  3. Chamomilla
  4. Ginkgo biloba
  5. Ignatia
  6. Lycopodium
  7. Merc sol
  8. Nux vomica
  9. Staphysagria
  10. Tarentula Hispana  


  • Maintain a calm and stable home environment
  • Take help from family help care
  • Visit your physician or nurse ensures that your are taking medicines correctly
  • Maintain social interaction with friends and community
  1. Regular physical exercise
  2. A diet includes rich in whole grains, fruits and vegetables, fish and shellfish, and nuts, olive oil should be taken
  3. Prevent cardiovascular risk factors such as  (hypertension, , hypertension
  4. Diabetes
  5. Control your high cholesterol
  6. Control your excess weight)
  7. Keep your mind active doing puzzles and word games, learning a language, playing an instrument, reading, writing, painting or drawing
  8. Maintain social interaction with friends and community
  9. Physical activity are walking, swimming, and dancing. Social activities include travelling, attending the theatre and art exhibits, and playing cards or games
  10. Getting vaccinations for influenza, tetanus, diphtheria and polio shown a significantly reduced risk of Alzheimer's disease

Homeopathic Treatment requires stringent individualization. Please do not take any medicine without consulting your Homeopathic Physician.